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Reuters / May 06, 2004
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Japan"s Transport Ministry separately filed a criminal complaint with the police against Mitsubishi Motors and five former and current executives involved in the incident for falsifying reports.
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"It is truly regrettable that Mitsubishi Motors has committed the same crime despite having been prosecuted and punished in 2000 for filing false reports," Land and Transport Minister Nobuteru Ishihara said in a statement.
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"They falsified the reports to escape recalling the vehicles, and that is an extremely evil act," he added.
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Police raided Fuso"s headquarters in connection with the accident in 2002 that killed a woman and injured her two sons. The three were hit by a wheel that came loose from a Fuso truck.
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"We deeply regret this third search, (but) we are fully cooperating with the investigations," Fuso said in a statement.
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The company declined further comment, but a spokesman said Fuso Chairman Michio Hori and Mitsubishi Motors Chairman and President Yoichiro Okazaki would hold a news conference to brief on the arrests and related matters.
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Kyodo news agency said police also planned to file criminal charges against Mitsubishi Motors on suspicion of failing to carry out adequate safety measures to prevent the fatal accident.
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